Channel 4 embraces the power of purple for #PurpleLightUp

Channel 4 will be embracing the power of purple to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities and the worldwide #PurpleLightUp campaign on 3rd December.

Channel 4 will be embracing the power of purple to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities and the worldwide #PurpleLightUp campaign on 3rd December.

The day encourages people to recognise disability by wearing purple and businesses to mark the day by using purple in their logos, on their websites and lighting up their offices in purple. 

The campaign to raise awareness of the #PurpleLightUp movement, created by PurpleSpace, celebrates the economic contributions made by disabled people.

Channel 4 will broadcast a range of special moments and initiatives to highlight #PurpleLightUp beginning with a unique film funded by eight major organisations which will be first broadcast after The Last Leg on 30th November.



Employees from BT, HSBC UK, Lloyds Banking Group, Lloyd’s of London, Nationwide Building Society, Reed Smith, Scope and Virgin Media, as well as Channel 4 appear in the film and give an insight into the extra worries they have to cope with.


The powerful two minute film, devised by 4Sales’ creative arm PL4Y and produced by The Outfit, includes The Last Leg presenter Adam Hills. It features employees from eight brands detailing the typical concerns many disabled people have about how they are perceived in the workplace. As well as promoting International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the film also encourages businesses to help disabled people find careers so they can thrive. And as a Disability Confident Leader, Channel 4 is keen to support businesses make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to the workplace. The film, which will air throughout the weekend and International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3rd December, will direct employers to where they will be able to find out more about how to make their businesses disability confident.


Channel 4’s Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Dan Brooke, who is also the broadcaster’s Board Diversity Champion, said: “In the UK there are seven million people of working age with health conditions or disabilities and an astonishing 50 per cent are unemployed. This represents a huge wealth of talent which is simply going to waste. And it’s not just the people themselves who are losing out, businesses are losing out as is Britain PLC.”


Other moments to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities and #PurpleLightUp include: - the first ever live signing of Channel 4 News at 7pm on 3rd December - #PurpleLightUp idents and special continuity announcements highlighting the day will air on Channel 4 throughout 3rd December - Sunday Brunch will mark #PurpleLightUp by creating purple cocktails and purple pudding on 2nd December - Channel 4’s London and Manchester offices will be embracing purple - Channel 4 staff will be encouraged to don something purple for the day. 

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