The Weather on 4 Sponsorship for 2021

We are delighted to announce that the Weather on 4 is available for sponsorship from the 15th of January 2021!

Channel 4 Weather offers a consistent presence throughout the week in one of the most prized environments on UK television!

Weather on 4 team


  • Maintain an exclusive position at the heart of our schedule, alongside the multi award winning C4 news at lunchtime & in the evenings
  • C4 news consistently reaches a more Upmarket audience than our competitors with a 35-54 profile – 72% of all ABC1ads
  • The sponsorship offers huge scale, frequency and longevity
  • Sustain an exclusive and premium environment throughout 2021

weather on 4

Weather on 4 reach

 Weather on 4 effectiveness

The deadline for client-backed offers is: 12pm on Thursday 26th November 2020



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