Mass upmarket reach is in the forecast with our Weather on 4 sponsorship opportunity - available soon!
Why sponsor Channel 4 Weather?
Maintain an exclusive position at the heart of our schedule, alongside the multi award winning Channel 4 news. Channel 4 news consistently reaches a more Upmarket audience than our competitors with a 35-54 profile. The sponsorship offers huge scale, frequency and longevity and your brand will be able to sustain an exclusive and premium environment throughout the whole year.
Our previous research has shown how effective Channel 4’s weather sponsorship can be
- Boosting Awareness: Awareness of the brand went from just 2% before the sponsorship began to 30%
- Improving brand warmth: Being alongside Channel 4 News resulted in 64% of viewers having an improved opinion of the sponsor brand. This is significantly higher than the norm of 56%
- Resulting in higher purchase consideration: Viewers were +74% more likely than non-viewers to say they’d consider purchasing from the sponsor brand
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