We've created a brand-new product for advertisers to communicate with their customers during these difficult times - across ALL platforms, including big screen, with tailored messaging on each platform or device.

As the UK enters a period of lockdown, Channel 4 is also adapting to the changing environment. We're developing fast and innovative new ways of connecting advertisers' messaging with our growing viewers. Our brand new innovation ENG4GE Now allows advertisers to run bespoke VoD messages as part of their ads, enabling advertisers to drive viewers to their website with tailored messaging across platforms.

As well as driving online traffic, ENG4GE Now can also be used to communicate what your business is doing for the UK during these times, such as supporting NHS staff and promoting the ‘Stay At Home’ message to the UK.

We know that all businesses will be going through a tough time, which is why we want to help brands and advertisers communicate to their audiences in the most appropriate, relevant and up to the minute way that they can. At a time when it’s difficult to produce new content as production companies aren’t able to film, we can incorporate key message into the ad and let your customers know what your business is doing to at this time to help.  We are pleased to say that we’ve reduced our turnaround time to 3 weeks by making some of elements templated. This will also ensure swift approval processes advertiser side.  

Please let us know what your business is doing to at this time to help customers, or users and we’d be happy to develop ideas with you. Please speak to your 4Sales digital rep ASAP, alternatively please email 4sales@channel4.co.uk


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