RISK – is it worth the Awards?
On 24th October, 4 Sales hosted our annual creative summit in the form of PL4Y Presents at Soho Farmhouse. Here, we invited some of the leading experts in their fields, from planners to strategists and creatives, to discuss their thoughts on the current state of creativity in the industry and to engage in some fascinating debate around our main theme for the day – “RISK – is it worth the Awards?”
The day kicked off with some incredible insights from our own Sophia Field where she brought some hot off the press risk-related research to the group and discussed everything from the definition of “risk” in advertising, through to how we can mitigate against it. We then followed with Thinkbox’s Lindsey Clay leading conversation from the perspective of the creative agency between M&C Saatchi’s Justin Tindall and Grey’s Sue Higgs.
The afternoon sessions saw us hear what risk really meant to clients in the form of Mitsubishi’s GM of Marketing and Communications Katie Dulake and Paddy Power’s Head of Mischief (or rather Head of Major Brand Activations) Paul Mellon in conversation with PL4Y’s Creative Lead Charlotte Rowland. We then finished up with views from the media agencies as Tamara Cross (MG OMD), Geoff de Burca (Mediacom), Fleur Stoppani (Mindshare) and Gareth Orr (OMD) were led by 4’s Agency and Client Sales Leader Chris Braithwaite in some fascinating discussion and wider audience debate.